Fees Includes
- Chits 1st / 2nd half- based on team placement (1st – 4th) & overall champs
- Weekly Chits
- 4- Blind partner counter game events. Once a month, based on weekly attendance.
- Monthly Stick’s Tavern dining events and end-of-season prize drawings in later August.
April 18th – League dues deadline for $30 discount and Sponsor fee deadline
May 2nd – First official league day- Weather permitting.
May xxx- Blind partner counter game
June 13th – End of first half, pending rainouts.
June xxx- Blind partner counter game
July 4th – NO LEAGUE
July xxx- Blind Partner counter game
August xxx- Blind Partner counter game
August 15th- End of 2nd half, pending rainouts. Putting contest, year end dinner and prize drawings.
August 22nd – open rainout date
August 29th – open rainout date