2024 Ladies Leagues
We are happy to offer 2 leagues for ladies each Tuesday from May-August. Our morning league begins at 8:00 am on Tuesdays and is perfect for the ladies who may be retired or have flexible scheduled. Our evening league begins at 3:30 pm to accommodate ladies who may have tighter schedules. Both leagues are fun and relaxing with camaraderie and enjoyment in mind.
Morning League
Regular Ladies League rounds will begin on May 14th, with the “Kick-Off” happening on May 7th with golf being a 9am shotgun. A luncheon will follow the completion of golf in the banquet room on May 7th. The year-end tournament will take place on August 13th and August 20th. August 27th will be the year-end shotgun at 9am, with the year-end banquet following golf. Tee times for regular league rounds will begin at 8am and run consecutively until 10:20am. These tee times are permanent for the duration of the league. Ladies who played in league the previous year have the right to their tee time from last year. Ladies will still have the option to continue and play 18 holes if they wish. League advisor is Eric Wann – ewann@dahlgreen.com
If you are a new player or group looking to join the Morning Ladies League, please email ewann@dahlgreen.com
Click HERE for the mail in registration form
Click HERE to register and pay your league dues online
Evening League
Regular Ladies League rounds will begin on May 14th, with the “Kick-Off” happening on May 7th with golf being a 5pm shotgun. An appetizer hour will follow the completion of golf in the banquet room on May 7th. The year-end tournament will take place on August 13th and August 20th. August 27th will be the year-end shotgun at 5pm, with the year-end banquet following golf. Tee times for regular league rounds will begin at 3:30pm and run consecutively based on the number of ladies in the league. These tee times are permanent for the duration of the league. Ladies who played in league the previous year have the right to their tee time from last year. League advisor is Eric Wann – ewann@dahlgreen.com
If you are a new player or group looking to join the Evening Ladies League, please email ewann@dahlgreen.com
Click HERE for the mail in registration form
Click HERE to register and pay your league dues online